Tuesday, November 2, 2010

I almost forgot...

...about our blog. Damn. Fail.  I need to make myself a goal of some sort, like two posts per week or something.  Not that it's a burden, I just don't tend to do things that aren't on my "schedule"... mostly because I completely fuckin forget about them.  Doh!

My brain is kinda zapped right now, so... on a scale of 1-10, with 10 being the most random, this should be about a 20.  Good luck deciphering it!

I've been disappointed with my Dictionary.com phone app this past week or so.  Today's word is "thwart"... really?  Is that the best they could do??  Oh wait, I forgot about "antediluvian" which I think it pretty fuckin cool.  Please remind us to use that. 

I miss my boy roommate; he's my office buddy and apparently I need one.  I'm good for about 36 hours of alone time and then I want someone to talk to.  The funny thing is that we've actually communicated (via IM) more in the past 48 hours then we normally do all week but it's just not the same.  Sad.

I want to go to this one year: http://www.ultramusicfestival.com 

Oh, and Pandora turned me onto this song today.  I haven't taken the time to figure out what the hell she is singing about but I am diggin the tune.  Finally something different.  Yessssss.

Alright, that's all you're getting out of me right now.  I'm supposed to be typing in another window.  You're about to be minimized.  So sorry.


P.S. - My internet porn actress roomie is playing solitaire on her laptop right now.  Who does that??  Really?  I'm most likely being critical because, on some level, I'm completely envious that she has enough free time in her day to engage in that activity.  Damn.


  1. That song is badass and I'm totally feeling it.

    I'm sorry about your male roommate not being there as I'm sure that additional human presence of that sort can definitely help ward off demons.

    Regarding the blog, I'm going to fix this. I think I should upload some stuff off my phone now. I have no idea what all I have, but there's gotta be some good stuff in the last couple of weeks!

    Lastly, why does the lotto hate us? I want more experiences, cool toys, and free time. I would also spend time doing things that made a difference in the world instead of slinging code and working in virtual environments.

  2. Yah, that song... I just scoped out the lyrics. A lil on the intense side. I think I was enjoying it more before I knew what she was saying. Is that weird?

    Nice work on the posts! Now, there's a compliment I've probably never given anyone before. It sounds like something a porn director would say to the leading "lady" after a gang bang scene. How did I do the math on that one?? Yikes.

    The lotto doesn't hate us and we don't hate it either. Did you really think we'd hit that ish in like 4 weeks? I'm probably the least patient person you know so I think it's hilarious that I am trying to talk you through this. Yah, I'm ready to retire; let's do eeeet.
