Thursday, November 4, 2010

Let's Talk Politics

A good satirical opener to this:

Okay, so the republicans swept the election.  I'm very annoyed by this fact for several reasons:

1) A lot of people are stupid and voted republican just because they think Barack is doing something wrong (yes, I'm on first name basis with him) which is all based on what the mob started screaming with nothing to back them up.  I want to ask every Floridian, "WHY DID YOU VOTE FOR A KNOWN CRIMINAL?"  The only reason I can think of anyone voting for Scott is because they didn't actually do any research on him and just bought into the 'Palin said Obama was bad, so we should vote against the Democratic party' and other sound bite bullshit.  That's a great thing to base your leadership on.

2) I didn't check any national numbers, but in Florida there was about 1/3 of the registered voters that actually showed up to the polls to vote.  There is no way of knowing what the majority of the people want when almost 2/3 of them don't go to the poll!  The only bishes motivated enough to vote seemed to be the ones spurred by hate mongering.  I want to start a movement towards compulsory voting to force the complacent and happy out there to support what is currently working for them and to invest in and pay attention to those that we're allowing to run our government and make our laws.

3) I MFing hate that campaigns are focused on the negative instead of what a candidate can actually do to make this country a better place to live and why they are qualified.  I'm so sick and tired of elections being about 'tearing the other person down' in all the advertisements instead of how they can 'lift our society up' and I strongly feel that this should be changed (banned) or eventually our country is doomed.  If in each election, you divide the people on hate, they won't just automatically reunify behind whoever wins.  The divisions are so deep seated with hatred and disgust that if you believe either candidate and the other one wins, how on earth can you be the least bit appreciative of said elected person.  I wish they'd ban this behavior and let the 'dirty things' about a candidate get leaked out through other avenues rather than be a directed assault by someone competing for that position.  You can't build a strong society out of hate!  There are still an incredible number of people that believe the hate spread by republicans during the 2008 election and think that Obama is a bomb toting Muslim that's here to destroy our country.  THIS SICKENS ME!

4) Current hate for big government!  Okay, well... go ahead and hate big government all day every day and yet scream about how the military needs to be bigger! Maybe if the republicans were running things we could get into some more wars that will raise the deficit trillions of dollars, but we're the modern day republican party that's going to scream doom and gloom because those MFing democrats are raising the quality of life in our country.  FUUUUUUCK!  That baby doesn't need shots, we got a bomb to build!

5)  Lastly... LMAO!  I'm a modern day republican that is going to publicly scream that we should cut taxes for the rich because it will trickle down.  You don't cut taxes for wealthy people to make this happen jackholes... you give tax breaks for new employees hired (the BUSINESS investing in American citizens).  You also need to close big tax loopholes for huge business like Google and such that reroutes it's money through Ireland and then to Switzerland getting out of retardedly large tax obligations and you need to put a tax penalty in place for outsourcing to other countries.

I detest our political system at the moment and I sure hope that some of these idiots open their eyes and look at reality and facts rather than listen to idiots like Palin and her 'momma grizzly' sound bites.  Those that seek power are typically the ones that don't deserve it.  She's a perfect example.

1 comment:

  1. This is brilliant and I have a response but I just don't have time to generate it right now. Gimme a few...

    P.S. - I fuckin hate Sarah Palin and I don't hand out passionate emotions to just anyone. That bitch sucks!
