Thursday, November 4, 2010

People disturb me!

Today at the office, we're discussing my friend's new house which is basically like a 1/2 million dollar home in New Tampa.  He's a single guy, but does have three kids that stay with him periodically so I guess it's sort of justified being as big as it is, but still excessive.  I comment that it would be so much to clean and that he should hire a maid to which he comes back with, "I've been in my apartment for a year and a half and I've never mopped the floor or vacuumed" and then I make this complete gross out face.  He finds this amusing... and gets encouraged to continue on with how he leaves pots and pans on the counter dirty for two weeks, etc.  As my repulsion grows he giggles more and then threatens to make a reality show out of locking me in the dirty moldy kids bathroom and the only way I can get out of the house is to clean myself a path!  WTFH.  I'M HORRIFIED!  I'm going to sue him for my impending nightmares.

1 comment:

  1. Do you want me to beat him up in the parking garage with a dirty mop?? I will. Well, I probably wouldn't do it myself but I know people...
