Tuesday, October 26, 2010

When we're rich...

Will you track the M3???

I think we'll need hobbies; traveling will get boring, eventually.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Was just contemplating...

...the frequency with which you and I multi-task our own interaction.  We won't be doing anything else except for communicating with each other, but we'll be using multiple different methods to keep the strings of conversation separate simultaneously.  Think about how many times have we carry on a conversation via text message and a different conversation or two at the same time via email?  If we add talking in person to this mix I believe that I'll start to get disturbed.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Halloween - Costumes can be fun!

I'm contemplating the potential fun of doing something festive and costume related for halloween.  Please let me know if this sparks any interest in your mind.

Let's Get A Unicorn

I have a fascination with them right now.

This makes me want one even more

From the description: "Unicorns never lie. Unicorns are loyal and great at keeping secrets. Unicorns never, ever use drugs. Oh, and if you push a unicorn too far, it'll stab you through your stupid heart, thrash you in the air, and dance on your corpse, crushing your bones into dust."


Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Awkward moments 101

Totally chillin' at the sushi bar and Jeff, the owner guy that was outside last time we left, went on for a bit about how much he envied our toys.  Wow did that make me feel awkward.  I kept changing the subject to the Lightning or whatever and he kept bringing it back up in front of a bunch of people.  I kinda felt like we looked badass rolling away on the bike and M3, but it's not something to be talked about like that, just a moment to appreciate!

Google: "Why won't my p"

Here's what Google suggests:


Worth posting:

October 19: heteroflexible

I'm straight but shit happens
I knew she was heteroflexible the minute she walked in the room.

Dude, it's not my fault. I was drunk and it was fun. What can I say? I'm heteroflexible.

The Script Concert

Please let me know if there's anyone you'd like to bring. I've kinda invited a few people, but I can add/remove anyone at this point.  Ron is unable to go.  Currently I'd like to at least order our core two tickets just in case of sellout.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Don't do this...

This was the first message I received when I logged into IM this morning:

Not, "Hello," or "Good Morning!"

Do you feel my pain?

Showtown, USA

It's a bar in Gibsonton.  The drinks are super cheap and a bunch of carnies and circus performers hang out there.

We need a Y chromosome for this mission.

I think the photo op will be priceless.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

That girrrrrl...

In Retrospect

Uhm, let's see... Patron (I can probably stop the list right here), multiple bar fights, chics on a pole, a court jester on stilts wearing a ceramic mime mask and wielding a blower of some sort, fuckin awesome house music, hot chics *everywhere*, a parking garage with a 30 minute wait, a delicious minty protein bar, sober people driving like shit, McDonald's (really?), falling asleep in your car on the way home and going to bed at 6 in the morning.

Oh yah, and did we drive to a rave and hang out in the parking lot photographing your car while arguing in Spanish with some bish in a piece of shit busted-ass Honda Civic??  Hahaha.  And, I really do have about 30 pictures of your bumper in my phone.  Paparazzi. 

Hey, do you remember me telling that guy in the parking lot to shut up??  He did.

I have a sore throat.  Sucks.  Oh, and I really can't shower enough... something about nightclubs makes me want to shower, a lot.  Ugh.


Saturday, October 16, 2010

Today I will take issue with the sixty year old - enough's enough!

It's entirely unacceptable that someone the same age as my father thinks it's appropriate to continue to hit on me. I get maybe throwing an odd line out there to see if you catch something, but after no response... MOVE THE EFF ON. I will share some of my thoughts with him on this matter now and I'm pretty sure it's nothing he'll enjoy.

Man, thanks for the wack dreams!

What's odder than dreaming of nazi zombies, you ask? Well, my friend, I'll tell you... a MF plant holocaust. In surprising detail, I witnessed plants and plant families being bled out by this nefarious nazi dictator that looked surprisingly like the chick we were drinking with last night.

Your. Fault.

Friday, October 15, 2010

About this passport thing

You working on it?  You know how much fun we could have getting slizzard at a random bar in Paris or Ireland?  More importantly, I wanna see castles and historical sites and stuff!  You know... enjoy a bit of culture different from our day to day lives and experiences.  If I don't get to take your photo in front of some really awesome historical landmark, my life won't be complete.  True story!

Speaking of Adsense

How we get 'Start a Food Blog' next to 'Taxidermy' in the same set of advertisements baffles and frightens me.  Is that what the taxidermists are doing with the meat?  I really dislike when I totally gross myself out...

Facebook Fails

A side of lonely in this one...

Guy's been emailing me for a couple weeks.  He seems needy, so I put him off a bit.  I asked him last week to give me some space before emailing me again because I was really busy (which I was).  Guy emails me back and forth a little bit today and then told me it was hard not to email me for a week!  I inform him of impending doom and craziness on his side because I won't do that level of interaction or attention.

So he emails back, "Give me the opportunity to show you that you can't make me crazy."

Epic, I think he just earned at least a little more consideration after that response.  Can't say I've ever had a guy say that to me.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Check the Google Ads



This song just owned me~

SMS blog messages don't include titles!

I can blog from my phone... oh lordy lordy.

edit - I had to come back and add a title, but I am pretty excited that I can blog from my phone!

Life is complicated...

* think boy is cute

* invite boy to hockey game

* go to hockey game

* realize boy has issues

* get stopped to take a pic with some guy because he thinks I'm hot

* guy seems cool, give him my number to hang out after game

* bring boy that I don't want with me to meet up with boy I just met

* @_@

* get told at the bar that my ass is perfect and should be stuffed and mounted on a wall for extended observation

* wtf - this line really works somewhere?

* laugh this off due to alcohol intake

* say eff it and go home

* fall asleep early =)

* talk to new boy next day

* find out his job title is Fluid Receiver (Human Resources fail!)

* really cannot stop being entertained by this!

* spent a moment thinking about the ass comment again sober

* developed an unreasonable fear of taxidermists

* decided that Fluid Receivers should never eat at Five Guys

The match.com adventure...

In a moment of keen thought and genius, I figured out why I wasn't meeting people with the qualities that I'd seek for dating. Being primarily an introvert, I was always seeing the same people in the same places and doing the same things. LOL, I realized that even when I'd go somewhere different, it would still be with the same people and I didn't really go out of my way to make new friends, yet somehow I was expecting results from this. Logic fail.

*solution thought*

Create match.com profile. Omg, a buffet of people that I can filter based on my ideals! The genius!!!

Soooooo, it's been about 5 weeks since I first made my account and boy do I have some stories! Somewhere between the midget, senior citizen, incredibly immature, illiterate, and the fetish offers I've received there lies a story or two. But I'm starting the blog here, so you'll have to get the stories live going forward as I feel like ranting about them. I have about 7 weeks left; I'm sure they'll be glorious!