Thursday, October 14, 2010

Life is complicated...

* think boy is cute

* invite boy to hockey game

* go to hockey game

* realize boy has issues

* get stopped to take a pic with some guy because he thinks I'm hot

* guy seems cool, give him my number to hang out after game

* bring boy that I don't want with me to meet up with boy I just met

* @_@

* get told at the bar that my ass is perfect and should be stuffed and mounted on a wall for extended observation

* wtf - this line really works somewhere?

* laugh this off due to alcohol intake

* say eff it and go home

* fall asleep early =)

* talk to new boy next day

* find out his job title is Fluid Receiver (Human Resources fail!)

* really cannot stop being entertained by this!

* spent a moment thinking about the ass comment again sober

* developed an unreasonable fear of taxidermists

* decided that Fluid Receivers should never eat at Five Guys

1 comment:

  1. Mr. Fluid Receiver texted me when he got off work stating that he worked a 12 hour day. How do you not respond with 'Wow, I bet your orifices are sore!' in that conversation?

    *shakes head*

    I don't know either... so that's how I answered. ;)
