Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Awkward moments 101

Totally chillin' at the sushi bar and Jeff, the owner guy that was outside last time we left, went on for a bit about how much he envied our toys.  Wow did that make me feel awkward.  I kept changing the subject to the Lightning or whatever and he kept bringing it back up in front of a bunch of people.  I kinda felt like we looked badass rolling away on the bike and M3, but it's not something to be talked about like that, just a moment to appreciate!


  1. We *are* bad ass. I've looked around and I know this. I'm okay with it.

    I think you should have told him that we are always looking for sponsors. I'm not too proud to rock a SoHo Sushi sticker on the side of my new Duc. Seriously.

    Oh, by the way, good job getting a sushi roll named after you. I think you're officially the first person I know that can actually make such a claim. Nice. Shouldn't this entitle you to a lifetime supply? And, since a lifetime supply is reasonable compensation for providing such inspiration, I'd like you to work on getting a beer named after you. Please and thank you! ♥

  2. Now that you armed me with a good comment he'll never bring it up again. Well, truthfully he prolly won't bring it up again because I was so adamant about changing the MF subject. Lmao!

    I get awkward talking about material possessions like that in front of people I don't know; I believe I feel like it's showing off in a way that is tasteless, I think.

    My thought process might be something like:

    Don't cheapen my M3 by talking about it like it's status. It's a fine piece of German engineering bought because it's meant to be driven... hard... and beg for more!

    I'm sure I can get Rich to name a beer for me! I don't know if I can get lifetime supplies of either; would a lifetime supply of awesome suffice instead? <3
