Thursday, October 21, 2010

Was just contemplating...

...the frequency with which you and I multi-task our own interaction.  We won't be doing anything else except for communicating with each other, but we'll be using multiple different methods to keep the strings of conversation separate simultaneously.  Think about how many times have we carry on a conversation via text message and a different conversation or two at the same time via email?  If we add talking in person to this mix I believe that I'll start to get disturbed.


  1. If you're not disturbed yet, then I don't think you're keeping up! =)

    We definitely have a unique style of interacting and I appreciate it. It's like some form of projected and distinctively organized ADD. I think it's pretty cool that our communications can be completely laconic at times and insanely elaborate at others with no discussion about what "mode" we are in at the moment. It just works and I'm so very okay with that.

    Don't worry about the phone thing... I just figured out last week that I can make phone calls with mine. I feel like communicating via an actual phone call is somewhat archaic and almost always an inconvenience (mostly to the person you're calling). The correct placement of a period when parentheses are used has been bothering me for weeks. I broke down and Google'd that ish; my shit is all tightened up now! Yaaaayy!

    Where was I? Fuck. Uhm... yah, there was more to this rant but let me just sum it up:

    We're awesome. Happy Friday! &hearts

  2. Oh, look! I fucked up an HTML symbol *and* blogger removed my custom HTML tag so that my comment isn't nearly as brilliant as I intended it to be.

    Whateva! ♥

  3. The fact that you make an effort puts you ahead of 95% of the population.
